Kinesiology Taping

How Kinesiology Tape Works

I’m a big believer in kinesiology taping and use RockTape everyday to help alleviate pain and promote lymphatic drainage. So how does RockTape work?


When RockTape is placed on the skin, the stretchiness of the tape causes a mechanical lift to occur and decompresses the tissue layers underneath the tape. When tissue layers (skin, superficial fascia, deep fascia, and muscle) are decompressed by kinesiology taping there are improved fluid dynamics (reduced edema/swelling) and reduced pressure on pain receptors. Decompression also promotes increased tissue slide and glide which is associated with a reduction in discomfort/pain and an increase in hydration (fluid dynamics).

Session Taping

After your body work session and we have discussed the benefits and possible side effects of kinesiology taping I will apply RockTape to a painful zone. I ask that you try to wear the RockTape up to 5 days. If anytime after the RockTape is applied you feel discomfort please remove the tape.


I never charge for RockTape if appleid during your bodywork session. It’s considered part of the treatment.